GBA Care’s model of care is evidence based and has been developed using well recognised research literature. The model focuses on the child, taking a highly individualised approach with the intention of promoting positive outcomes in respect of the following three developmental domains:
Our Model of Care
Model of Care
Emotional Control and Regulation
- Listen
- Place limits, consequences & expectations on behaviour
- Transparent and relevant consequences implemented consistently
- Flexibility shown with consequences when extenuating circumstances
- Unconditional warmth and nurture
- Encourage expression and exploration of thoughts and feelings
Social Skills and Relationships
- Promote appropriate participation in decision making
- Discuss options and choice
- Promote and support safe family contact
- Promote and support community based activities
Self Esteem, Confidence, and Sense of Identity
- Encourage Independence
- Consistently set high but achievable expectations
- Promote and support individual interests and hobbies
Our Values Tree
What is our Model of Care?
These approaches allow the care teams to provide all the children and young people we care for with the opportunity to make a fresh start. This principle is key to the care we give, ensuring through a highly individualised approach that all those we look after are supported to overcome both past and present difficulties and anxieties. This facilitates the children and young people in moving forward positively, and crucially gives them the same life chance opportunities as their counterparts in the wider community.
Of all the approaches described in the model, ‘unconditional warmth and nurture’ sums up well the type of care on offer in our homes.
Another key element derived from the model of care and which is fundamental to the practice across all our homes, is the importance given to the promotion of community based activities and the support given to individual interests and hobbies. This is because we understand such activities can stimulate and inspire the children and young people we look after, and promote such a huge holistic range of outcomes including: resilience; protective factors; a positive sequence of development; social inclusion; a sense of identity; pro-social behaviour; the opportunity to enjoy and achieve; the opportunity to make a positive contribution to society; the ability to make informed choices which promote safety and wellbeing; the ability to make a positive transition to adulthood and independence and lead a self-fulfilling life.
At GBA Care we also believe that caring for Looked After Children needs to be undertaken in partnership with parents and others who have parental responsibility, as well as any other relevant support agencies, taking a joint up approach to best meet the needs of the child.
Therefore we look forward to building these relationships with all those linked to the children we look after, and even in the face of adversity we work extremely hard to overcome any barriers to engagement in order that the best interests of the child are always sought.