GBA Care has established a working partnership with CCATS who provide specialist individual treatment and support programmes; we are able to introduce and source their services to provide consistent and bespoke psychological assessments and therapy.
CCATS has extensive experience and a successful track record of providing psychological assessment and treatment services for children, young people, adults, and families. GBA Care and CCATS work in partnership with many organisations including the NHS, Social Care, Youth Offending Teams, GPs and schools. CCATS provide specialist services for looked after children in partnership with carefully selected children’s residential care providers. CCATS work with legal practices, acting in accordance with instructions from the Courts. Self-referrals are also accepted.
Individualised Psychological and Behavioural Assessment Services
CCATS provide a comprehensive psychological assessment service. The individualised assessments focus on developing an enhanced understanding of the difficulties that may be preventing a positive and productive life for an individual. Ultimately, this aims to identify a supportive care pathway. The psychological assessments undertaken are varied and bespoke based on need. Some examples include:
- Sexually harmful behaviour
- General aggression
- Risk Assessment
- Deliberate self-injury
- Cognitive (e.g. assessments of cognitive ability such as memory recall and recognition)
- Substance misuse
- Sexual exploitation
- General psychological well-being
- Stress and coping
Support workers provide individual and group support, including:
- Supporting individuals to actively manage their own homes and perform household tasks as independently as possible
- Making and keeping appointments related to ordinary living, health, and well-being.
- Pursuing personal development activities, such as work or volunteering
- Accessing and taking part in social and leisure activities
- Initiating and consolidating personal interests and peer relationships
GBA Care Community Support Services Providing Accommodation:
GBA Care believes that the basic need for safe and settled accommodation, with appropriate advice and support, is fundamental to the personal and social care of both young people and their families whom are in need. The Young People and their families whom we support often are at a vulnerable stage in their lives and we match them with safety assessed and suitable accommodation, providing a range of support and advice services which are person-centred and customised to match their individual needs.
GBA Care source accommodation through working in partnership with the local Council or Housing Associations and the private rented sector (GBA Care is not the Landlord). Our working partnerships allow us to quickly source accommodation to meet the needs of the young people and their families. GBA Care is also able to take on tenancies for young people and their families if this is supported by the placing authority and the Landlord of the properties.
By keeping a small number of private rented properties available we can react to placement requests by Local Authorities at very short notice and provide emergency accommodation.
GBA Care Community Service’s work with families in a variety ways to show effective practice, including:
- Joining up local services
- Dealing with each family’s problems using a holistic approach rather than responding to each problem, or person, separately.
- Designating a dedicated Support Worker with the skills and experience to develop a professional working relationship with the family, working intensively with them to enhance positive, sustainable change.
- Utilising a range of methods and evidence-based practice that support families and challenges negative behaviour.
- Working with parents and families to facilitate the opportunity for their children to return home under the Placement of Children with Parent Regulations or the Care Leavers Act.
Young People, Parents and Families will be supported to:
- Be and stay healthy.
- Be and stay safe.
- Enjoy and achieve.
- Make a positive contribution.
- Achieve economic well-being.
- Become independent and non-reliant on services.
- Move on, securing their own tenancies.
- Be involved in education employment and training
- Promote life skills to achieve the five outcomes.
- Reduce or prevent any types of offending behaviour.
- Establish a stable environment.
- Provide a safe, and secure environment as a foundation to develop further.
- Develop the confidence to act as a responsible member of the community.
- Re-establish positive family links.
- Ensure they can successfully budget and manage their own finances.